Gospel Life Groups

Being in community, in constant fellowship with other believers, helps to refine our lives and intentions, so they more consistently align with Christ. In community, we worship together. In community, our actions are accountable to others. In community, we read and learn Scripture. It’s in community with Christian brothers and sisters that we can spiritually mature to the point where we can confidently encourage others to follow our example as we follow the example of Christ.

Growing in Christ-Likeness is a Community Project

Types of Groups


The Men & Women's ministry at  Gospel Life meet regularly to encourage one another through the Scriptures, to grow in Christ-likeness, and to serve hang out together. Some of these meetings are informal times of fellowship at local coffee shops, while other meetings are more structured, usually including a Bible study or an opportunity to serve.

LIFE Groups

For LIFE Groups, a mixture of families and singles meet every other week to enjoy time together at a member’s home. We come to each meeting looking to encourage each other and be encouraged in the Lord. Special attention is given to prayer and the Word. 


GROWTH Groups are designed to help us bear each other’s burdens, study the Scriptures together, pray for each other, confess sin to each other, and encourage each other.  Each group is comprised of two to four adults, men with men and women with women. Every other week (during the weeks that LIFE Groups are not meeting).