How it all started...
In March of 2020, the island of Guam experienced a lockdown in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This led to the closure of churches and businesses, causing a significant impact on various congregations. Many churches either lost their pastors or had to shut their doors. It was during this challenging period that the Hennegan family began earnestly praying for God's guidance on how they could serve the community of Guam.

In October 2023, the Hennegans, along with a select group of families from Bayview Church, were commissioned to embark on their church planting journey. Over the following five months, Mel and the church plant team conducted prayer meetings and training sessions to prepare for their public launch in March. These meetings took place in the Hennegan’s home starting with 12 people and then growing to 50 people in the span of a few months. During this time, two pastors, two deacons, and 30+ members were added to the church plant team.
Expanding the vision...
In January 2021, Mel received a call from Resurrection Church near Minneapolis, inviting him to undergo training in the U.S. and raise support for a church planting initiative on the island of Guam. Between July 2022 and September 2023, Mel Hennegan, along with his family, was sent by Bayview Church to embark on a journey to various churches in the states to secure the necessary support. Throughout this period, he successfully completed church planting assessments and obtained full endorsements from the SEND Network, Pillar Church Network, and Pacific Church Network.

Where we are headed...
Our mission is to bring the gospel to the community. After fervent prayer about where God wanted our church to gather for public worship, we are grateful that He has graciously allowed us to worship and preach the gospel in the center of the island, specifically at one of the island's most popular marketplaces at the Guam Premium Outlets. We are currently meeting for preview Sundays at the Dream Galaxy, working towards the public launch of Gospel Life Church.

Be a part of our story...
Join us this Sunday as we gather to worship together at 9:30 AM at GPO in the Dream Galaxy.