Genesis 2 • The Fall: Why are There So Many Problems in this World?

Jan 26, 2025    Mel Hennegan

In this sermon on the Fall, based on Genesis 2-3, we explore how sin entered the world through Adam and Eve's disobedience, resulting in separation from God and the brokenness we see around us. To fully appreciate the Good News of the gospel, we must first understand the Bad News: sin is not just a minor offense but a devastating condition that corrupts both individuals and creation. Even small sins, like lies or selfishness, contribute to this brokenness. The Fall reveals that sin is the root of the world's pain and conflict, and it highlights humanity's need for redemption, which God provides through Jesus Christ. This understanding of sin lays the foundation for the gospel's message of hope, leading us to the next parts of the series on Redemption and Restoration.